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Woodland Expansion

Trees have been a mainstay of the Lowther Estate since its very beginning.

In recent years the estate has embarked on an extensive planting regime and Lowther currently manages 1620 hectares of woodland – this incorporating 267 hectares of ancient woodland. Plans to expand are ambitious. More than 500 hectares of new native woodlands will be planted. Riparian woodland will be established along four miles of  the river Lowther – this to support river cooling, shading and riverbank protection. This will also include, where suitable, further re-wiggling of the river to create wet woodland habitats and help foster natural flood management.

Woodland Management

Meanwhile, with Lowther’s existing ancient woodland, the plan is to manage the proportions of conifer planting through selective thinning. Flora restoration will be encouraged with underplanting, managed grazing and the creation of glades and ‘feathered edges’.  Continuous cover forestry is the goal – moving away from a commercial monoculture towards a vibrant mosaic of mixed woodlands which are both nature friendly and productive.

Large herbivores, natural engineering, the removal of woodland boundaries are all part of a management scheme that holds natural regeneration at its core.