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Trees have been a mainstay of the Lowther Estate since its very beginning. In the Lowther archive in Carlisle, references are made to a crop of oak trees planted during the reign of Edward I. The Lowthers are foresters of old, their attachment to trees both practical (planting for commercial reasons) and emotional (planting for aesthetic ones).

In recent years the estate has embarked on an extensive planting regime with nearly 220,000 trees planted in both parkland and scrubland scenarios. The aim is to create woodland pasture, allowing our livestock to graze among the trees whilst also creating new habitats for various birds, bats, insects and pollinators. In the longer term, it is anticipated that the landscape will have a more natural feel. No longer will visitors see a field of green but instead a field full of life. The trees will help the soil to rejuvenate by depositing more organic matter in the form of leaves, fostering therefore a stronger, more resilient environment.

On Crosby Common, 300,000 trees will be planted by 2023. Planting was begun in early 2021. Carbon capture is high on the international agenda and Lowther Estates are proud to be doing their part.